I don’t deny the fact that in the age of being teenager, we
feel desperate to search for something.
And that is where we start filling our time with music,
sports, friends, video games, movies, love couple. Because we just don’t want
to feel empty.
Is it wrong to fill an empty heart?
Its human nature. Allah had created human with heart, to
fill something in it and it cannot be left empty.
Put our hands near to the heart. Ask ourselves, what is in
my heart right now? What had I filled it with? Is it worth it?
“Is it worth it?” is a critical question to answer. Why?
Because the heart is unique! The heart disserves the best!
“Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh, which, if it be whole, all the body is whole, and which, if it is diseased, all of [the body] is diseased. Truly, it is the heart.”{Al-Bukhari] [Muslim]”
What so unique about the heart!? It’s a part of our body
that we can feel but can’t physically see it. But the heart affects all parts
of the body! Like SubhanAllah!
From the teenage years of our lives, we start searching,
Searching for the missing part of our lives.
Once we put something inside the heart, we would do anything
to keep filling the heart with it.
If we love music, we keep fill ourselves with music.
If we love popularity, we would do anything to get
popularity even we have to sacrifice our own friends.
If we love video games, we would sacrifice our time and
money to get the best video games experience for ourselves.
If we love our love couple, we would obey every single thing
that he/she said. We will try to act how he/she loves. We are willing to
sacrifice everything for them!
There are more examples that you can imagine.
From these few examples, what are the similarities that we
can see?
If we love something with all our heart, then we are willing
to sacrifice for it.
My previous question was “Is it worth it?”
Is it worth it for me to sacrifice for music?
Is it worth it for me to sacrifice for popularity?
Is it worth it for me to sacrifice for video games?
Is it worth it for me to sacrifice for my love couple?
How can we answer such question?
To answer that, we have to ask ourselves, “If I got this,
how can I guarantee myself that it will stay with me?”
The enjoyment of music, popularity, games, love couple, how can
I guarantee myself that I can have it forever?
Music, once we stop playing music, we start to feel
Once our love couple leaving us, we start to feel empty.
If that happened we would feel a thirst for something that forces
us to search more of it.
Without it, we feel like….
That’s when we can’t stop texting with him/her. We cant take
them out of our minds. We cant stop planning what to do in the next date. IT
A prison.
We think we are enjoying freedom from the sky to the earth
when we working for something we love purely with our hearts.
Without we realize that We cant
go anywhere far from it. Being cut off from it would hurt us deep inside. we’re actually in a prison.
-Jihad Jihad Je-
That's all for part 2,
InsyaAllah, there will be another for Part 3. May Allah give me strength
*dont forget to read part 1 here:
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